Bishop Timothy Branch

Senior Pastor

Bishop Timothy Branch, born in Petersburg, Virginia married Pastor Olivia Cantrell Branch over 27 years ago. The two met in Fort Jackson, S.C. while in Advanced Individual Training in 1991 and married in Tacoma, Washington on July 4, 1992. They have four children, Ashanti, Jada, Timothy II, and Olivia Grace.

In October 1998, Pastor Branch accepted Christ alone in his home in Hinesville, GA after reading a gospel tract. He deployed to Kuwait later that year. During his deployment, Pastor Branch informed Chaplain Collie Foster that he wanted to be baptized. CH Foster was not prepared to do a baptism. However, he vowed to make it happen. On January 31, 1999, CH Foster baptized Pastor Timothy Branch in an Army field ice chest. Upon returning home, Pastor Branch joined Baconton Missionary Baptist Church in Allenhurst, Georgia under the leadership of Reverend Dr. Hermon Scott. He faithfully served in several auxiliaries: Adult and Men’s choirs, Young Adult and Brotherhood fellowships, and Sunday school teacher.

Called to deploy to Egypt, Pastor Branch shared with Reverend Dr. Hermon Scott that he felt an unction to preach. Pastor Scott provided wise counsel, told him to fulfill his duty on deployment and return to continue the conversation. God confirmed Pastor Branch's call as he continued in prayer, while in Egypt. On March 4, 2000, Pastor Branch preached his initial sermon at Baconton Missionary Baptist Church entitled, “Will You Answer the Call?” Pastor Branch would later launch the Food Closet at Baconton Missionary Baptist Church before departing Georgia on June 2001. 

While stationed in Mannheim, Germany, Pastor Branch, and his family attended Greater New Zion Baptist Church. He served as the Associate minister under the leadership of the late Reverend Chester Jordan where he trained to teach bible study Sunday school, serve communion, and congregational care, and baptism. Pastor Branch deployed to Iraq on another divine appointment. Pastor Branch returned from Iraq in 2005. In obedience to the call, Pastor Branch announced that his family would depart the church. Pastor Jordan gave his blessing, stands and says, “It’s not often that a young preacher wants to strike out and find his own.” Pastor Branch moved to Heidelberg, Germany, and joined New Beginnings International Christian Center under the leadership of Bishop Kevin O. Miller. Pastor Branch became a teacher in the Ministers Training program and assistant manager of the NBICC church bookstore. In June 2006, Pastor Branch accepted the pastorate at NBICC and faithfully served there until October 2008. The Army reassigned Pastor Branch back to Fort Stewart, GA. However, God reassigned Pastor Branch back to Baconton Missionary Baptist Church and yet another divine deployment. In May 2011, Reverend Dr. Hermon Scott ordained Pastors Timothy and Olivia Branch before their departure to Kaiserslautern, Germany.

Pastor Branch connected with Bishop Sadie M. Smith, founder, and Pastor of Shabach International Ministries, Landstuhl, Germany. Under Bishop Smith's leadership, Pastor Branch learned prophetic lessons in long-suffering, deliverance and prayer while serving as the Church Administrator and Senior Elder. Ordained by God, Pastor Branch traveled to Israel multiple times. While in Israel, he received a vision for the ministry in 2016. In 2017, Pastor Branch received a word of confirmation from Overseer Shirley Ard, “God is going to honor you because you don’t even want it like that.” 

Pastor Branch moved to Virginia in August 2018 after over seven years in Germany. He joined and faithfully served at One Word Community Church in Woodbridge, VA under the leadership of Pastor J.L. Clements before God confirmed the call to birth ministry. On March 10, 2019, God sent a prophetic utterance by Prophet Michael Dalton that ended with, “You’re ready. Don’t worry about what you don’t have. You are ready.”

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